[22:39:01] Using gulpfile G:\codeFolder\hexo-blog\lizhi\gulpfile.js [22:39:01] Starting 'default'... [22:39:01] Starting 'minify-html'... [22:39:01] Starting 'minify-css'... [22:39:01] Starting 'minify-js'... [22:39:01] Starting 'minify-images'... [22:39:02] 'minify-images' errored after 86 ms [22:39:02] TypeError: imagemin.jpegtran is not a function at G:\codeFolder\hexo-blog\lizhi\gulpfile.js:60:22 at minify-images (G:\codeFolder\hexo-blog\lizhi\node_modules\undertaker\lib\set-task.js:13:15) at bound (domain.js:419:14) at runBound (domain.js:432:12) at asyncRunner (G:\codeFolder\hexo-blog\lizhi\node_modules\async-done\index.js:55:18) at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:75:11) [22:39:02] 'default' errored after 90 ms [22:39:02] The following tasks did not complete: minify-html, minify-css, minify-js [22:39:02] Did you forget to signal async completion?
2 解决方案
github答案 Had the same problem. The issue is you’re still calling imagemin.jpegtran in your config, which was replaced by imagemin.mozjpeg in v7.0.0.